
The Lions Camp at Terresita Pines

Camp Teresita Pines near Wrightwood in the Angeles National Forest was purchased by the Lions Wilderness Camp in 1995. Individual Lions Clubs, including the West Torrance Lions Club, adopted cabins financially and supplied many volunteer hours.   Over the years, Lions have upgraded the facility into a desirable year-round camp.  Our club continues to provide maintenance  funding for our cabin.

As the camp expanded, rentals expanded beyond the two weeks set aside as the Southern California home for the Lions Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children. The camp now serves the Jay Nolan Camp, an inclusive residential camp program accredited by the American Camp Association, designed to bring children without disabilities and children with developmental disabilities together in a caring environment. The camp also serves Boy Scout, Girl Scout, LAUSD, various religious groups and private organizations.

By 1998 a separate management group was formed to handle the increasing rentals, upkeep and improvements. As of 2006, all assets from the Wilderness Camp have been turned over to the Teresita Pines management team. Past International President Don Banker of the West Torrance Lions Club served on the Board of Directors until his death in 2009.  Find out more here.

Lions Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children

Founded as the “Lions of California – Nevada Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children” in 1981, this original purpose was declared: “To provide wilderness camping facilities, experiences, educational opportunities, health care and counseling for hearing impaired children.” This is a camp where a deaf child can learn outdoor skills and fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of nature. It is a unique camp developed especially for deaf children to learn and socialize in their own language of signs.

In 1980, Roger Adams, a man from Stockton with a deaf son, requested the Lions help establish a deaf camp. The Governors got together at a Council Meeting to approve MD-4 endorsement and start the wheels in motion to align the camp with Lions Clubs International. Camp was first held at Avery, in the mountains of Northern California. Kids from as far away as San Diego benefited. Four hundred children applied for camp but only 258 could be accommodated. The West Torrance Lions Club was the largest supporter donating $5,000, fishing gear and a charted bus. Donations of approximately $42,000 in contributions came from Lions and Lions Clubs. The West Torrance Lions Club has been supporting the camp ever since.

There are now two camps, Camp Ros Relles near Nevada City in Northern California, and Camp Terresita Pines near Wrightwood in Southern California.  Find out more here.

Friends of Angels

Friends of Angels is a weekend retreat for autistic spectrum children and their families. This camp provides autistic children with a wilderness experience including hiking, swimming, sensory play, camp fires and much needed nap times. The Camp provides the parents and siblings a break from the 24/7 care of their child, while allowing them to be there for comfort if needed. The event is held in one of the nearby facility in the mountains, so that the children can participate in activities that may not ordinarily be available to them. The retreat is administered by the Journey Covenant Church of Redondo Beach, and their many volunteers. The cost of participation is underwitten by Journey Covenant and other sponsors, large and small, including a major donation by the West Torrance Lions Club.  Find out more here.

Switzer Learning Center

In 2011 the West Torrance Lions Club gave a major donation of $10,000 to the Switzer Center. Since 1966, Switzer Learning Center has been operating an outpatient diagnostic and treatment clinic, a K-12 nonpublic school and a nonpublic agency serving children with mild to severe learning, emotional and behavioral challenges and their families. Students are provided ongoing observation and reevaluation to develop individual behavior support plans and California standards-based instruction. Most Switzer students are able to mainstream back to their public school or earn a high school diploma from their home school district while attending Switzer Learning Center. The vast majority of graduates go on to college, vocational trade school or successful employment. Students are eligible to attend free of charge, after their home school district has determined that they are eligible for special education.  Find out more here.

Mobile Screening Unit

The West Torrance Lions Club has been instrumental in guiding and maintaining this community resource.  For more information, click here.


The West Torrance Lions Club will also be offering up to 3 scholarships to our All-Star Football team members.  These scholarships are presented in memorial to Past International President Don Banker, Longtime Member Dave Haden, and Founding Member and Longtime Game Chairman George Swade (The Games Founder)

Donations to Needy Families

Each year, the West Torrance Lions Club works with the Harbor Regional Center in Torrance to identify individual families who have specific needs for essential items such as clothes, blankets, cooking utensils, bicycles and small appliances.  We compile a list and purchase or secure donations for these items for direct delivery to the families.   Please let us know if you have low-cost sources for these items.

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